dating after 50 mistakes

Dating After 50? Avoid These Mistakes!

Dating after 50 can be an intimidating thought.

You’ve been out of the scene for decades, and to be honest, the pool of candidates is relatively limited.

If you’ve been married for years and you’re now single, either due to the death of a spouse or a divorce, it can seem strange to open your life up to someone new.

Yet, we’re all social creatures by nature.

We crave love, attention, someone to talk to, and someone to share moments with.

It doesn’t matter if you’re 15 or 50; some things just don’t change.

The same applies to the rules of dating.

What worked when you were young still works after fifty.

Some things never change because human nature is, by and large, relatively predictable.

If you decide to start dating in your fifties, kudos to you for taking this bold step and deciding to live life fully.

Below, you’ll find a few pointers to take note of.

Keep these in mind and avoid making these mistakes.

You will get more dates, have more fun and see more success in your relationships.

Not being open to possibilities

As we age, it’s common to become set in our ways.

We like our coffee made a certain way.

We have a strong opinion on anything and everything. and we’ve also decided for ourselves what will make a good partner.

If you close yourself off to potential possibilities, your choices will be limited.

Some men may not wish to date a woman in her fifties, and this will make them miss out on lots of potential women, one of whom might be the companion that they’re seeking.

Women may have a preconceived notion of what a man should be.

They might be looking for someone of a certain height, a man who has a specific type of job, etc.

When there are too many criteria to meet, you’ll be reducing the size of your dating pool.

Be open to new people and willing to give them a chance.

You may be surprised at how you end up falling for someone you never dreamed of getting together with.

dating after 50

Poor pickup lines

This is especially applicable to men.

A simple ‘Hello’ will do.

You’re not in your twenties, and the women you meet will probably have heard it all.

So, try not to be over the top or sleazy.

Telling the woman that she’s the most beautiful lady in the store or asking her which heavenly planet she’s from will probably not cut it.

Be sensible, but still have a sense of humor.

Not making eye contact

When on a date, make eye contact.

Just enough to show that you’re interested in the person you’re with, but not too much.

You don’t want to look like a serial killer. 🙂

Missing the signals

When out on a date, you should pick up on signals that are often displayed through body language.

Is your date interested or bored?

Are they saying things that hint that they like you?

Are you yammering on while they’re sleeping with their eyes open?

Be attentive to the unspoken signals given off by your date.

Not being cautious

Another point to note is that just because you’re in your fifties doesn’t automatically mean that you’re safe from dangerous people.

When dating online, do not give out personal information like your address or too many details about your family.

Do not send money to strangers.

Do not meet them at isolated places on the first date, and do not invite them to your house if you’ve never met them before.

older couple dating

Taking rejection personally

While it’s a blow to one’s ego regardless of age, by the time you’re in your fifties, you definitely have enough life experience not to bawl your eyes out like a 17-year-old girl just because the guy didn’t call her back.

If you’re rejected, keep your chin up and keep dating.

You’re being social to have fun and expand your circle of friends. Be lighthearted, and don’t wear your heart on your sleeve.

There is no point in bothering someone again once you sense that they are avoiding you.

Rejection is par for the course, and you’re definitely worthy of someone who truly wants to be with you.

Avoid these no-nos, and your dating life will be fun and rewarding.

You only live once, so live and love wisely and without worry.